
A selection of FREE web forums and e-groups associated with this site - all founded and co-moderated by Amoris.


REAL MAGICK & OCCULT FORUM - VERY active e-group with over 1700 members. All topics related to magick welcome.

ENOCHIAN MAGICK e-GROUP - Fairly active e-list frequented by several experienced Enochian practitioners

Solitary Traditional Witchcraft Forum - A place for eclectics, solitaries, and those who don't fit into strict Wiccan forums

The Golden Dawn Library - A place to privately discuss and share information on the Golden Dawn - rituals, manuscripts etc.

Sydney Pagans in the Pub - An e-list exclusively for pagans living in Sydney Australia who attend the Pagans-in-the-Pub meetings fortnightly on Mondays at the Royal Exhibition Hotel near Central Station.