Initiatory Workings: Part I

Note: All names to be vibrated/invoked are in bold face. Pronunciations are in parenthesis and miscellaneous notes are in italic. Do not read the italicized print aloud; it is merely for additional direction. When you vibrate a name or Key, invoke that force into you.

Week 1

    1. Vibrate 1st Key.
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Fire (6th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God RZIONR (Ra-Zod-I-Oh-Na-Ra)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God NRZFM (Na-Ra-Zod-Fa-Meh)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BZIZA (Ba-Zod-I-Zod-Ah)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. ZIZA (Zod-I-Zod-Ah)

      IZAZ (I-Zod-Ah-Zod)

      ZAZI (Zod-Ah-Zod-I)

      AZIZ (Ah-Zod-I-Zod)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. ACAR (Ah-CA-Ra) corresponding to/performing the action of fire

      PALI(PA-LI) corresponding to/performing the action of water

      SISP(SI-Sa-Peh) corresponding to/performing the action of air

      ADRE(Ah-Da-REy) corresponding to/performing the action of earth

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind.

Week 2

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Fire (17th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God VADALI (VA-DA-LI)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OBAUA (Oh-BA-U-Ah)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BANAA (BA-NA-Ah)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. ANAA (ANAh-Ah)

      NAAA (NA-Ah-Ah)

      AAAN (Ah-Ah-AN)

      AANA (Ah-ANAh)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. BRAP (Ba-RA-Peh)

      AMOX (AM-OXah)

      ECOP (EC-Oh-Peh)

      GMNM (Geh-Mah-Neh-Mah)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind.

Week 3

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Fire (16th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God NOALMR (NOh-ALah-Ma-Ra)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OLOAG (Oh-LOh-Ah-Geh)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BDOPA (Beh-DOh-PAh)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. DOPA (DOh-PAh)

      OPAD (Oh-PAh-Deh)

      PADO (PAh-DOh)

      ADOP (ADOh-PAh)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. VASG (VAh-Sah-Geh)

      SCIO (Sah-CI-Oh)

      APST (APah-Sah-Teh)

      OPMN (OPah-Mah-Neh)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind.

Week 4

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Fire (18th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God UOLXDO (U-Oh-La-Xa-DOh)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God SIODA (SI-Oh-DAh)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BPSAC (Beh-Pah-Sah-Ceh)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. PSAC (Pah-Sah-Ceh)

      SACP (Sah-Cah-Peh)

      ACPS (Ah-Cah-Pah-Sah)

      CPSA (Cah-Pah-SAh)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. RGAN (Ra-GA-Na)

      OOPZ (Oh-Oh-Pah-Zod)

      DIOM (DI-Oh-Mah)

      DATT (DAh-Tah-Teh)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 5

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Water (12th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God IAAASD (IA-Ah-ASah-Deh)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ATAPA (ATAPA)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HNLRX (Heh-Nah-Lah-Rah-Xah)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. NLRX (Na-La-Ra-Xa)

      LRXN (La-Ra-Xa-Na)

      RXNL (Ra-Xa-Na-La)

      XNLR (Xa-Na-La-Ra)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. RNIL (Rah-NILah)

      DAPI (DAPI)

      VASA (VASA)

      XPCN (Xa-Pa-Ca-Na)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 6

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Water (4th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God NELAPR (NEh-LAh-Pah-Ra)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OMEBB (Oh-MEh-Bah-Beh)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HTDIM (Heh-Ta-DI-Ma)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. TDIM (Ta-DI-Ma)

      DIMT (DI-Ma-Ta)

      IMTD (I-Ma-Ta-Deh)

      MTDI (Ma-Ta-DI)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. RVOI (Ra-VOh-I)

      VSSN (Va-Sa-Sa-Na)

      LEOC (LEh-Oh-Ca)

      MAGM (MA-Ga-Ma)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 7

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Water (10th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God OBGOTA (OBa-GOh-TA)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God AABCO (Ah-ABa-COh)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HTAAD (Heh-TAh-ADeh)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. TAAD (TAh-ADeh)

      AADT (Ah-ADeh-Tah)

      ADTA (Ah-Deh-TAh)

      DTAA (Deh-TAh-Ah)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. SAIX (SA-I-Xa)

      PAAX (PA-AXeh)

      NHDD (Neh-Hah-Dah-Deh)

      TOCO (TOh-COh)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 8

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Water (11th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God MALADI (MA-LA-DI)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OLAAD (Oh-LAh-ADeh)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HMAGL (Heh-MAh-Geh-Lah)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. MAGL (MAh-Geh-Lah)

      AGLM (AGeh-Lah-Meh)

      GLMA (Geh-Lah-MAh)

      LMAG (Lah-MAh-Geh)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. XRNH (Xa-Ra-Na-Heh)

      IIPO (I-I-POh)

      NDZN (Nah-Deh-Zod-Nah)

      PACO (PAh-COh)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

 Week 9

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Air (9th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God AOURRZ (Ah-Oh-U-Ra-Ra-Zod)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ALOAI (ALOh-Ah-I)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name EXGSD (EXah-Geh-Sah-Deh)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. XGSD (Xah-Geh-Sah-Deh)

      GSDX (Geh-Sah-Deh-Xah)

      SDXG (Sah-Deh-Xah-Geh)

      DXGS (Deh-Xah-Geh-Sah)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. PMOX (Pah-MOh-Xah)

      OTOI (Oh-TOh-I)

      NPNT (Neh-Pah-Neh-Tah)

      ACCA (ACeh-Cah)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 10

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Air (7th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God LLACZA (Leh-LAh-Cah-Zod-Ah)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God PALAM (PALAMeh)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name EYTPA (Eh-EE-Tah-PAh)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. YTPA (EE-Tah-PAh)

      TPAY (Ta-PAh-EE)

      PAYT (PAh-EE-Teh)

      AYTP (Ah-EE-Tah-Pah)

    8. Vibrate the names if the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. DIRI (DI-RI)

      RBNH (Ra-Ba-Na-Heh)

      PAOC (PAh-Oh-Cah)

      OYUB (Oh-EE-U-Beh)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 11

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Air (3rd Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God IDOIGO (I-DOh-I-GOh)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ARDZA (ARah-Da-Zod-Ah)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name ERZLA (ERa-Zod-ah-LAh)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. RZLA (Ra-Zod-ah-LA)

      ZLAR (Zod-ah-LA-Ra)

      LARZ (LA-Ra-Zod)

      ARZL (ARa-Zod-ah-Leh)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. FMND (Fah-Meh-Nah-Deh)

      SIAS (SI-Ah-Sa)

      TOTT (TOh-Tah-Teh)

      CZNS (Cah-Zod-Nah-Sah)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 12

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Air (8th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God AIAOAI (Ah-I-Ah-Oh-Ah-I)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OIIIT (Oh-I-I-I-Tah)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name ETNBR (ETah-Nah-Beh-Rah)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. TNBR (Tah-Nah-Beh-Rah)

      NBRT (Nah-Beh-Rah-Tah)

      BRTN (Beh-Rah-Tah-Nah)

      RTNB (Rah-Tah-Nah-Beh)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. SHAL (Sah-HAh-Lah)

      OCNM (OCa-Nah-Meh)

      NACO (NAh-COh)

      ABMO (ABeh-MOh)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 13

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Earth (15th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God OPMNIR (OPah-Meh-NIRah)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ILPIZ (ILah-PIZod)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NASMT (NAh-Sah-Meh-Tah)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. ASMT (ASah-Meh-Tah)

      SMTA (Sah-Meh-TAh)

      MTAS (Meh-TAh-Sah)

      TASM (TAh-Sah-Meh)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. STIM (Sah-TI-Mah)

      IZXP (IZod-aXah-Peh)

      IABA (IAh-BAh)

      MSAP (Meh-SAh-Pah)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 14

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Earth (14th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God ANAEEM (ANAh-Ey-EyMah)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God SONDN (SONah-Dah-Nah)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NPHRA (NePah-HaRAh)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. PHRA (Pah-HaRAh)

      HRAP (HaRAh-Pah)

      RAPH (RAPah-Heh)

      APHR (APah-HaRah)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. IAHL (IA-HaLah)

      RLMU (Reh-LaMU)

      GBAL (Geh-BALah)

      OMGG (OMeh-Geh-Gah)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 15

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Earth (13th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God ANGPOI (ANah-Geh-POh-I)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God UNNAX (UNeh-NAh-Xah)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NBOZA (Neh-BOh-Zod-Ah)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. BOZA (BOh-Zod-Ah)

      OZAB (Oh-Zod-Ah-Beh)

      ZABO (Zod-Ah-BOh)

      ABOZ (Ah-BOh-Zod)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. IZNR (IZod-Nah-Rah)

      RSNI (Rah-SaNI)

      ORMN (OReh-Mah-Nah)

      AIRA (Ah-IRAh)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind

Week 16

    1. Vibrate 1st Key
    2. Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Earth (5th Key)
    3. Vibrate the 6-letter name of God ABALPT (ABALah-Peh-Tah)
    4. Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ARBIZ (ARah-BI-Zod)
    5. Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NOCNC (NOh-Ceh-Nah-Cah)
    6. Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels
    7. OCNC (Oh-Ceh-Nah-Cah)

      CNCO (Ceh-Nah-COh)

      NCOC (Neh-COh-Ceh)

      COCN (COh-Cah-Nah)

    8. Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:
    9. AXIR (Ah-XIRah)

      RXAO (Rah-XAh-Oh)

      DOOP (DOh-Oh-Peh)

      OPNA (Oh-Peh-NAh)

    10. Closing Speech
    11. Meditate/Relax mind